live. work. play. A community for the creative industries in HAMILTON’s west harbour.
The Studio District would be an economic cluster with studios for the production of film, television, gaming, animation and music. It would feature artist live-work spaces, office space for creative industry companies, industry event spaces, and learning & training spaces to build the local workforce.
The architectural renderings below overlay a creative industries hub concept onto the City of Hamilton's Setting Sail Secondary Plan for West Harbour and its Barton-Tiffany Urban Design Study. The renderings are not the final picture - they are a starting point for the conversation with our immediate neighbours, and all the stakeholders, about what the final plan should be.
We need your input! Click here to help design the district: [SUBMISSIONS NOW CLOSED]
Aeon imagines corridors of storefronts along Barton and Tiffany streets, including grocery, bank, pharmacy, gym, restaurants and other retail services to support the hundreds of new residential units detailed in the City of Hamilton’s plan for the area.
The building in the far distance on the south side of Barton depicts 231 Bay Street North, a beautiful brick and beam building Aeon acquired in 2021 around the same time it also acquired 29 Harriet Street. Aeon plans to position both buildings as part of the creative hub campus.
At the heart of the district, Aeon plans to build an outdoor public plaza where the community can gather and experience local artists' work, a farmer's market, a restaurant patio, a skating rink, or a picnic on green space.
Aeon is hosting public town hall meetings and private meetings with stakeholders, and has launch a dedicated website to collect ideas, unpack concerns and understand the various communities’ priorities in order to develop a robust plan for the site.
We need your help to design the right plan. Please subscribe below to get involved and contribute to building something special.